We are now a trademarked business, this is a huge milestone for us. It does give me a tiny bit of reassurance that my brand is safe, we have had a few wtf moments but I feel we have tackled as we find them.
We have been working really hard over the last few months (my staff always work hard.. ) I have been building a new web page with help from professionals. I feel it reflects where skrubbers is heading in our mission to be the best we can. I don't mind telling you its time consuming.. very time consuming.
We have had staff come and go, that happens alot these days but every person that works with us gives us so much of themselves, mentally and physically. Is sewing hard, not really when you know how but between us we have a couple of hundred years of experience, am I sick of sewing scrubs yet?? nope.. and we have made alot..
Im always updating with new fabrics, our collections continue to grow daily. Some sell quicker than others.. some go slow, some we sell 1 or 2 in 6 months then wham bam we sell out in days, dont ask me how it works..Im still learning.
It always amazes me still how many customers dont want to measure.. I call it my insurance to get a great fit for you. Sometimes I wing it.. sometimes I get it wrong but I continue to work with customers for the best outcomes.
Am I proud of the last year .. hellyer.. Im proud of the last 5years.
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